"Once we see it, it cannot be unseen."

—Brittany Friedman, PhD

My name is Dr. Brittany Friedman. I am a sociologist, author, and intuitive herbalist & author. I am an expert on cover-ups, politics, and the dark side of institutions. What does that mean? Much of my work is organized around investigating and making sense of the grave harms we grapple with in our society and how they are perpetrated by individuals and institutions who use power to engage in disinformation, target vulnerable populations, and reproduce social and economic inequalities.

Like Ida B. Wells and other seers before us, we must look until we cannot sit still.

Once we uncover these harms, the work is to dream a path forward. To this end, I also focus my energy on restoring harmony through reimagining how we can heal and transform systems of oppression and control into structures of life, joy, and creativity.

I am a proponent of what I conceptualize as "investigative sociology," which I outline in my new book's final section titled "truth-telling as method." 

I believe in the power of creativity, imagination, and public intellectualism for reshaping society. I communicate the spirit of discovery by translating my research findings for many audiences, including scholars, policymakers, advocacy organizations, the public, and creative teams working on radio, film, broadcast, or art production.

I am passionate about the translation of social research into vibrant storytelling and narration. I love to discover and create from a place of deep inquiry and respect for the mysteries that life holds, as a social scientist, filmmaker, creator, and apprentice of the alternative healing arts.

I hold a PhD in Sociology from Northwestern University and am appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Southern California, where I received the 2024 Raubenheimer Outstanding Junior Faculty Award. I am a ‘23-24 American Association of University Women faculty postdoc and an Affiliated Scholar of the American Bar Foundation.

I have written for news outlets such as The Washington Post and my research has been featured in media like The Associated Press, Boston Globe, ABC News, The Grio, NPRThe Untold Story Jacobin MagazineThis is Hell! RadioThe Appeal, and Vox

Order my new book   CARCERAL APARTHEID: How Lies and White Supremacists Run Our Prisons.

Thanks for visiting and take good care.

B 🦋

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Planting seeds of light in dark places.

  Dr. Brittany Friedman is an expert on cover-ups, prisons, and the dark side of institutions. Some say she's a truth-teller. Others say she's a dreamer with hope for our collective future. Take the first step—explore, discover, and be a part of the movement for a better tomorrow.

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